Monday, June 23, 2008

Little Wooden Shelf

Remember that small shelf I told you about? Well I finished it a while ago but hadn't posted a picture. Here it is-- it's no masterpiece but for a free shelf, it serves it's linen-y purpose just fine. {Who ever heard of a house with NO linen closet!?!} I roughed it up since it is an antique. I have an obsession with roughing things up-- especially my husband :} In a perfect world, all the towels and washcloths would be a pristine white. I've been wanting white towels for a while, but I can't justify getting more towels when the ones I have now are perfectly fine-- I can only do that with clothes!



Bonnie said...

Ooh! Very nice! What is the print of the paper lining the back?
The house we lived in before my parents moved to the house they are in now didn't have ANY closets!
And people were surprised we were moving-4 kids, 2 bedrooms, no closets. Why wouldn't we?
Can't wait to see your other projects!

New Mom said...

Mrs. Bonnie, OH MY WORD-- NO CLOSETS. Wow, I'd definitely have to do some purging. Don't look to close at the paper. It's scrapbook paper and I just taped it up there very quickly. It definitely is not done precisely.

Elizabeth said...

Ohh its perfect!

Melissa said...

Oh that's beautiful! You did such a great job! Oh! And I wanted to tell you, I just bought mine and my fiance's (that's right) first dining room table from Craig's List! Guess who introduced me to Craig's List?!?! YOU!!!! Thanks! You've contributed to our future together! Yay!

Melissa :D

New Mom said...

Melissa, glad I could help! I've got to check your blog to see if you posted a picture.

Mamajil said...

very cute!!! I feel inspired to start a project of my own .....or maybe I will just keep checking out your blog and see what you do next :D