I CANNOT believe the deal I got on this dishware set at Ross on Saturday. $6.99, that's right, just $6.99 for a four place setting! And all because it was missing one mug. They match my decor so perfectly and I just love the mix of the rose color with the green edging! Very English Cottage. Yay for Ross!
I love the idea of mix-matching dishes. If this is something that you do, or if you would like to show off some of your favorite dishware/glasses/teacups...etc, I'd love to see photos! You can e-mail them to me and then I will post them on my blog for all to enjoy.
Your dishes are awsome! I wanted to comment yesterday, but the computer finked out on me.
I love the idea of mixed up dishes too, only buying the different ones you like (my mom does this, also, because with 10 kids, an actual set never lasted long)
I have a nice Phaltzgraft(sp?) set my MIL and SIL got us when we were married, but a little part of me is just a tiny bit dissapointed they all match.
Oh dear me! Now I'm going to have to go to Ross! I'm not so much on shopping as I am with finding things on sale! I do love Ross though, and that cute little set of place settings! Thanks for sharing, you've got me motivated to look for some new stuff, on sale!
Thanks ladies.
Mrs. Bonnie, I know what you mean, mix matched dishes-- so shabby chic! Your mom discovered the best thing about it... you never have to worry if one gets broken!
oh, i wish we had a Ross! Whenever we travel south, I make a special effort to stop at one. We northeners need one!
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