Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Still Thinking...

About what to get those last few people on my Christmas shopping list. That would include Nathan and my dad. Why are men so hard to shop for?

Meanwhile, I just bought Elon this...

...for a pretty good deal {don't worry! not the $399 price listed}. My mom is contributing towards the cost too. I can't wait to see the look on Elon's face Christmas morning!

1 comment:

Arlene said...

I know -- I don't understand why men are so difficult to shop for, either!

I can imagine that Elon will be extremely excited!

I got my hubby (coincidentally, he's also named Nathan :P) this stainless steel travel mug from Amazon, so if either of your guys are coffee drinkers, you might look at something like that. :o)