Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Beloved Eyesore...

Today was such a pleasant day. It began with Elon sleeping until 8:45. This gave me time to:
  • shower
  • put on makeup
  • read the Bible and say a brief prayer
  • cook breakfast
  • tidy the kitchen
  • make my bed

What a nice start to my day! Then Nathan came home from his dentist appointment and we spent the next couple of hours going for a walk in the beautiful 70 degree weather, eating ice cream sandwiches, and sitting on the sofa talking. It was wonderful to have him home with us.

Later, a lady came and bought some clothes I was selling on Craigslist. Yay! And afterwards, my quick dinner of grilled chicken and roasted potatoes was super easy to prepare and clean up. But the most wonderful part about today was receiving this:

Now I know it's kind of an eyesore. But if you have ever had to wash pots using a cup you will understand how grateful I am to have a faucet with a long neck and a sprayer! No more rinsing with a cup-- bye-bye Mr. Leaky, old-fashioned, faucet! It was literally a joy to wash dishes today! I sure hope tomorrow is as pleasant as was today!


Elizabeth said...

Ha ha, we were just talking about that faucet. I am so glad you got such a nice one too! :)

Arlene said...

I'm glad you had such a lovely day; I'm also glad you wrote about it. Next time your day doesn't turn out so nicely, just think of today and smile :o)

Melissa said...

Yay for a new faucet! What a difference a good one can make in our lives...seriously.

Melissa :D