Monday, March 2, 2009


When I was a little girl, every year at tax time my dad would give us each a bit of spending cash and us 5 kids would pile up in the mini-van and head to the mall to go shopping. Afterwards, we would stop at the grocery store and purchase every imaginable topping for banana splits. Talk about a sugar high! Wet walnuts, pecans, ice cream, bananas, pineapple, whipped cream, syrups, and of course-- maraschino cherries! Yesterday, I dreamt about that yearly tradition and when I awoke I had banana splits on the brain. So what did my very compassionate and accommodating husband do? Loaded Elon and I up in the Honda and headed out to Fry's! I don't think a banana split ever tasted so good!


Elizabeth said...

You made me want one! What a fun family tradition :)

Katheryn said...

Mmmm, so good! Don't you love traditions, but especially when you are pregnant. Food just tastes better when you are pregnant.

Arlene said...

How fun! :o)

Marie said...

Yummy Himilce! Your got me started now! What a happy memory.

Anonymous said...

What fun!

I wanted to stop by and thank you for the sweet comment you left for me today. I truly appreciate your kind words and encouragement. (o:
