Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Fall Fun...

Elon is vacuuming right now with a stick vac. What a great way to release some energy! We just returned from Bible Study and now it's almost time for he and Asher to take a nap-- hopefully me too! It's finally getting cooler out {at least it hasn't been in the 90's the last couple of days} so we were finally able to wear pants today {that wordage makes it sound like we were n*ked before}. I don't know about you, but when winter seems long I'm ready to wear skirts and flip-flops and when summer is nearing it's end I am always anxious to trade tanks and shorts for sweater and jeans! The grass is always greener...

Since it's cooling again, it's time for some more fall fun! I know what you're thinking... "Does all fun have to do with eating?" ummm yep, perdy much! Elon really enjoyed helping me dip and eat these caramel apples.

Sporting his "Junior Baker" apron.

Carefully dipping his first apple.

The look on his face when he finds out we have to let them cool first.

Struggling to get a big bite!

Maybe if he uses his hands...

Pure gooey satisfaction!

This was my first experience with caramel apples. I found that even though I dipped mine in caramel, chocolate and nuts, I still enjoy candy apples better. Elon seems to enjoy both equally ;P


Elizabeth said...

AH HA!!! I loved these pictures Himilce! Those apples do look really good! I can tell Elon devoured them :P

Marie said...

Himilce, Elon is getting so big. I miss him so much. I love the first picture of him biting into the apple, he looks just like Nathan in that picture :)