Monday, February 7, 2011


When your toddler comes to you, brown-covered pointer finger outstretched-- do not, I repeat, DO NOT, smell it to see if it is chocolate.... it isn't.


Bonnie said...

That is my laugh for the week!

And the peg people forms came from the craft store.
I am officially addicted to them.

New Mom said...

Mrs. Bonnie, well they ARE adorable. I think I want some for myself :)

I still can't get the memory of that stench out of my nose!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh my I needed to laugh! Hilarious!!

Katheryn said...

Sounds like my raisin experience... Hahaha!!

Davene Grace said...

Oh, no! That's terrible. Oh, dear. Oh my goodness. Oh, no!!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Gross! I could almost smell it, you described it so well! :P I can picture you telling this story to Nathan over the phone!

My goodness I miss you all so much!

Unknown said...

Ohhhhh, at least you did't lick his fingers to get the "chocolate" off :)

Arlene said...

Oh, dear. So far, neither of my boys have tried this... but the Little Guy is only 11 months, so there's still plenty of time for him.

He is a pretty adorable little stinker, lol.