Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Avatar and Me

Well, Nathan talked to the President of the college and it looks like he's agreed for Nathan to attend school. Whew, that takes a load off of my mind! As for the car, we're still trying to figure out the best option; we're waiting until we get an estimate from a different mechanic on Monday.

Meanwhile, I spent way to much time making this Avatar. It does kind of look like me though. Marie and Elizabeth, I was trying to find something with a closet of clothes as a background, a la Stacy London; this dressing room was the closest I could find.

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

To make your own Avatar, click on If you do, be sure to leave a comment so I can check you out!


Anonymous said...

I just read up on all of your blogs for the last week or so. So, Loved Nathan's father's day surprise, cute avator, glad to hear Nathan is able to go to school and Elon is so cute!

Right now with the economy you may be able to buy a car at a great price. We got rid of our truck when Rick quit and bought a honda with cash so that we didn't have any car payments. We got a steal on the car we bought because we bought it as a private sale. The guy dropped the price $500, because he said no one is buying cars right now and he wanted to get it off his hands. I know it was our prayers and God's answers.

Davene said...

So glad to hear that Nathan's conversation went well!!!

Elizabeth said...

Ha Himilce, that is pretty cute! I will have to try that out!

I am so GLAD about Nathan's school!

We had a lot of fun having you three over the other night! =)

Marie said...

Ha ha ha, Himilce this is funny! I love the swinging hips!!