Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Indian Outlaw...


Don't be fooled by the angelic expression, this boy was guilty of a very smelly crime...

'Course he claimed innocent, but proof of his misdeeds still lingered on his fingers
and everyone knew it warn't chocolate we were smellin'
He pulled hard time for that crime,
sunlight filtering through the slats of the ol' jail cell where he lay.
As with all inmates, I did grant him one phone call...
"Mama, I'm in trouble..." he said.
Durned if he ain't the cutest little outlaw mama ever did see.


Davene Grace said...

So, so funny!!!! :)

Bonnie said...

Awfully, awfully cute!

Elizabeth said...

Himilce you are just so funny and cute! Asher is adorable even with this smelly crime! Its soooooo nice to see his face! I miss you guys like crazy!!! Love you!

Katheryn said...

Just what I needed this morning as I have all 4 girls absolutely sick with fevers, coughs, sore throats and terrible shivers...so thankful for a little smile. Have a great day...oh and get some antibacterial gel, you might need it.

Pam said...

OK so I finally got a chance to get on and check out my adorable grandson. Steve and I got a great laugh. Love the little cowboy picture. I am snagging it to put on my desk top and print.
Love Pam

P.S. Tell Nathan I thought he did a great job on the perfume add... really good.

Judith and Lance said...

Okay, Hilmilce, you need to start a journalism career, you are SOOOO funny. And, you are right he is so stinkin' adorably cute I don't know how you could ever even say no to him!