Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Today I am simply worn out! After my MOPS group cancelled our plan trip to the zoo, I decided to take the two children I babysit and Elon to the park for some fun and a simple picnic. We met up with a friend and her two children and the kids had a blast! I think children must get hurt a lot when they are tired because the three year old got hurt about 4 times in less than 3 hours. Needless to say, there were a lot of tears and a lot of hugs. Tomorrow, though, it's just Elon and I, the kids are headed to Yellowstone so I have the rest of the week off. Looking forward to a calm, and (hopefully) quiet day!

If you aren't familiar with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), I'd suggest following this link to see if your community has one It's just a group of moms who get together to celebrate motherhood and fellowship together while the children play together (childcare is provided). It's a great way to meet new people and is a lot of fun. If that isn't tempting enough, there is also always really delicious food!

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