Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah....

Do you ever have one of those days when you just feel blah. You're not exactly sick, but you just don't feel *good*? Well, I was feeling that way today. It was 12:00 and I hadn't even gotten dressed yet! Here is what I did to lift my spirits:

1. Took a short bath. A hot bath with Bath and Body Works Shower Gel always helps!

2. Put on a cute sweater. One I would normally "save" for going out.
3. Fixed my face. It's amazing how much difference mascara, blush, and lipstick make!

Hmmm.... at this point I was already beginning to feel a little better... once again proving that looking good helps us feel good...

4. Made a hot lunch. Chicken corn chowder and grilled cheeses are good for the soul :P
5. Put the kids down for a nap. Of course, nap time is happy time :)
6. Wrote in my journal, read the Bible, and prayed. Nothing like counting your blessings to help get a girl out of the dumps.
7. Blog... Wow, I feel so much better!

Thanks to allposters.com for the images.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Yes, very comforting! I understand completely! Your day turned out really nice!! :)